Japan Business Visa Fees, Travel Costs, and Budget Tips

Nowadays work is vital in our daily life, if we can’t do work we cannot earn money. When we don’t have money, we can’t do anything. So, work is important for Japan because it makes us happy. Work is tiny; today, everyone wants to do business because work can’t give more money. It provides more money and Respect if you are a businessman, so you know how much business is necessary for him. In this article, we can tell you Japan Business Visa Fees, Travel Costs, and Budget Tips.

Japan Business Visa Fees

There are many countries in East Asia for business but Japan is top of the #6 country for business. In Japan, many businessmen run their businesses and these are the billionaires. Everyone wants to go to Japan but it is too expensive for a country in the world. Like visa fees, travel costs, daily budget in Economy, middle average, and luxury life. Japan is a very big country in the East Area, its total area is 378,000 square kilometers. Japan is the 7th-largest island in the world by area. It is also famous for its famous Chinese places, which tourists come from other countries to enjoy. Let Japan discuss Japan Business Visa Fees, Flight Fees, and Daily Budget.

Visa Fees

If you plan to go to Japan for business, it is important to know how much money you need in your daily budget. Japan Business visa fees depend upon your nationality the estimated visitor visa fee is approximately $55, and it is for 90 day visa. The cost of the visitor visa is non-refundable and you will be paid before the visa interview. If you want to get your visa urgently then it will be a must to pay extra fees, for the other documents if you need them it is also separate. This Fee is charged when your business visa application form is approved. The Visa fees are the same for each country if you are Pakistan, Indonesia, India, Japan, Japan, etc the fees will be the same.

Requirements to Apply for a Visitor Visa

  • National Identity (If you go to Japan for business you must have your own national identity).
  • Visa Application form (where you can write your full details like name, phone no., city, etc, in this application form).
  • A Valid Passport (non-expired)
  • 6 Passport Sizes photos
  • Business Proof ( you have financial proof like a Bank statement, Job ID, or pay stubs)
  • Accommodation Proof (A Room, place, Hotel, Inviting Letter in Japan where you stay )
  • Fee for Visa Application ($55)
  • Medical Report ( your present medical details, you must be fine)
  • Check Criminal Record ( for applying for a visa you must have no criminal record, if you have a criminal record then your visa will have been declined)

In the above list, these are all the requirements to apply for a Japan Business Visa. It is good if you plan to go to Japan for business but it is important to get a complete guide on this. This means how much total money you need to arrive in Japan, your daily budget for eating, traveling, sightseeing, etc. If you want to apply for a visa you must have a Visa application you can get this form by clicking on this link Embassy of Japan in the United States of America (emb-japan.go.jp)

Flight fees

The visitor visa is not a normal visa it is for business purposes, attending meetings, conferences, etc. visitor visa is only for businessmen if you want to go for a tour then the Visa and Visa fees will be different. The average flight ticket from another country to Japan is $170 to $650. Flight fees depend on the country, time zone, nationality, booking time, seats, etc. If you get the ticket from your nearby airport then the fares will be lower than the other airports. Booking your flight ticket at least 3-4 months in advance because you can get a better price of ticket. Airports also provide deals or offers at events get the update so it helps you to get a good deal means a good cost of a flight ticket.

From Europe$520 to $1100
From Asia$170 to $650
From the US$600 to $1400
Japan Business Visa Fees

The cities where international airports are available in Japan are Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Fukuoka, Sapporo, and Okinawa can provide you with the best facilities for everything. Travel agencies can also give you the best and most awesome deals or offers. This means that it can give a personal driver to attend your meetings and to go to your places where you need. They arrange the best hotels where you can live perfectly. Responsive and best agencies make your travel smoother and they arrange everything like your resting place, eating place, parks for relaxation, etc.


The Daily expenses based on your living style where you live, whose city you live in, what you eat, and your are daily activities. If you live in a small and normal city expenses will be lower than the the other city. In our daily lives, we live in three styles 1. Normal, 2. Middle Average, 3. Luxury lifestyle. If you want to spend your life in Japan like normal people your expenses will be low. On the other hand, if you want to spend your life in luxury style the expenses will be very high.

Japan Business Visa Fees

Average Budget:

For living in Japan it is good for you to know how much money you need daily for expenses. For spending your life in Japan like normal people it is best for you because saving money is a good habit. The total daily average budget is $100-$200 per day for eating food, travel costs, etc.

Travel$10-$30 for taxi
Business Services$50+
Total$100-$200 Daily Budget
  • For living: $50-$100 per night in normal hotels.
  • Food: $20-$40 per meal.
  • Travel: $10-$30 per visit by taxi or Uber.
  • Business Services: $50+ Printing, Wifi per day.

However, the total cost of the daily expenses is approximately $100-$200.

Middle Average Budget:

Travel$50-$100 Car Rental
Business Services$200+ other expense
Total$200-$400 Daily Budget
  • For living: $150-$250 per night in Middle average hotels.
  • Food: $30-$60 per meal.
  • Travel: $50-$100 Car Rental, fuel charges also.
  • Business Services: $100+ Printing, Wifi, other services extra.

However, the total daily expenses for the middle average is approximately $200-$400.

Luxury Travelers:

Travel$200-$500 High-Speed Trains (1st Class)
Business Services$500+ other services
Total$500+ Daily Budget
  • For living: $300+ per night in Luxury hotels.
  • Food: $80+ per day for Business Dinner.
  • Travel: $200-$500 High-Speed Trains (1st Class).
  • Business Services: $500+ per event for Premium Conference Fees and others.

However, the total daily expenses for Luxury life is approximately $500+.

Business Cities

Japan is the best country for the tour but Japan is also called the home of businessmen because in this country a large number of businessmen live here. Japan’s business visa fees are too high this is the main reason many people want to come to Japan but can’t afford their expenses. Only middle-class people can go to Japan with many sacrifices only for family and making a future. In this post, we can describe everything you need to know before going to Japan. There are many business cities in Japan but the top 10 cities are given below:

  1. Tokyo
  2. Osaka
  3. Nagoya
  4. Yokohama
  5. Fukuoka
  6. Sapporo
  7. Kobe
  8. Kyoto
  9. Hiroshima
  10. Sendai
Japan Business Visa Fees

Tips For Living In Japan

  • Budget for Cost of Living
    • Make a good budget according to your profit because a good budget gives you everything.
  • Stay Connected
    • Get an international phone plan and a local SIM card to connect with your family it is the main reason for your relaxation.
  • Explore Networking Opportunities
    • Get the information with the help of a network like attending meetings on the phone, and take advantage of network events, conferences, and professional meetups.
  • Stay Safe
    • Stay safe by not going alone at night, avoiding unfamiliar places, living in security-full areas, and keeping emergency contact on hand.
  • Get Health Insurance
    • Take health insurance to keep safe in Japan, if you are employed then it is best for you and your family.
  • Understand Your Visa Requirements
    • Remember your visa requirements because a very small mistake can push you into big trouble. Follow the requirements and rules to live in Japan.
  • Plan Your Accommodation
    • If you are going to Japan then make a plan for where you live like which hotel, friend’s house, city, area, etc. Because when you arrive in Japan and you have nothing where you live then it is hard to find hotels on low fares.
  • Manage Transportation
    • Give the vehicle on rent or take the lift from your friend or nearby, it saves you money as compared to taxi fares.


Q: What is a visitor visa?

Ans: The visitor Visa is a business visa that is only for businessmen, it is not for tours or any other purpose. This visa is only for a person who goes to Japan to attend meetings, conferences, etc.

Q: How much time I stay in Japan on a Business visa?

Ans: The Business visa gives time you to stay in Japan for six months for business purposes, if you think that you need more time you can also extend the life of the visa with extra charges.

Q: Is it possible for me to work in Japan on a visitor visa?

Ans: You are not allowed to work with this type of visa because it will only get you entrance as a businessman, but for those who want to be employed in Japan, there are other visas.

Q: Can I apply for a visitor visa without the aid of an attorney?

Ans: An individual applying for a visitor visa may require legal representation since American laws are intricate.

For more details about the visa visit the official website Embassy of Japan in the United States of America (emb-japan.go.jp).

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